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The International Dachau Committee (CID) is the international organization of the former concentration camp Dachau. The Committee is an international non-profit organisation under Belgian law. The CID represents all former prisoners, survivors and victims from the Dachau camp period between 1933 and 1945. The CID is an independent organization, the mouthpiece of the former prisoners from 37 countries, including Germany. The International Dachau Committee was founded by the inmates of the camp itself before 29 April 1945 (liberation of the Dachau concentration camp). The former camp became an official memorial in 1965, thanks to the dedication and commitment of the International Dachau Committee.

The CID is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the entire camp grounds and the buildings and monuments therein. The CID pays much attention to the development of this special memorial as a place for remembrance and just as important to its mission not to let this happen again. The CID is also responsible as administrator for the former SS shooting range in Hebertshausen, where thousands of Russians were killed by the SS.

This academic scholarship provides financial assistance to prospective positive psychology students who are interested to pursue a formal education at the University of Pennsylvania's Master of Applied Positive Psychology program.

The fund recognizes one of the founding fathers of Positive Psychology, the late Chris Peterson, who believed that “other people matter”.


co-creator | developer


creator | developer

A non-profit organization dedicated to exposing low-income children, teens and their parents to professional sporting events and the benefits of sports. Show Me The Sports gives girls and boys the opportunity to attend a sporting event and share the experience with their parent(s).

The scientifically-studied benefits discovered about exposure to and engagement in sports are practical and wide reaching. For example, being a member of a sports team has been found to facilitate teamwork and leadership, reduce depression, aggression, racism and prejudice behaviors, increase hard work, perseverance, and goal-setting capabilities, induce hope, and bond individuals through shared interests. Exposure to sports can create the opportunities for kids to connect and strengthen their relationship with their parents. This can also generate inspiration toward future dreams and practical goals. Please email for further information.


Alumni mentor

At the early stages of one’s learning career, I believe it is important to support inspired and industrious individuals progress toward their dreams and goals via mentorship. Early in my career, the guidance shared from mentors was invaluable. I love my work, and believe informed, expert guidance for how to create a fulfilling career in Psychology or another field, or how to pursue a new venture, can be supportive. My work provides opportunities for students to gain experience in this field by working on various psychology-related projects. Please email to inquire about mentorship opportunities.

present & past

UCLA Alumni Mentor | Penn Flourishing Center Mentor, University of Pennsylvania

American Psychological Association | International Positive Psychology Association | European Network of Positive Psychology

Alumni Network, UCLA | Alumni Association, Master of Applied Positive Psychology, University of Pennsylvania

Reviewer: Practice Committee, International Positive Psychology Association

Advisor and Consultant, Creativity book for Refugee Children: I Made This...An Art Book For Children

 Curriculum Planning Committee, Health Coaching Certificate, UCLAx, Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

Board Member: Master of Applied Positive Psychology (Vice President 2012, Class Representative 2011, 2013)